Me, withouth adjectives describing me with an "e.s.t." at the end of them
Looking back at the life I spent, I see lots and lots of awkward moments that I was beeing judged as the "something"est! And of course too many lots and lots of moments that I did the same to others: I judged them as someone with -est adjectives.
And believe me! It's too much worse to be named as "something apparently positive"est, than "something really negetive"est! Because this makes you feel even lonelier...
As I grew up I found out that we are rarely the best, the worst, the smartest, the dumbest, the biggest, the smallest, etc. and the whole world around us is not a world of -est people; You seldom meet them in real life, maybe Never - with capital N! I recently am feeling that I deeply need someones around me that acknowledge my being, as it is, as I am, promising that I will accept them as what they were, are, and will be as well...
+ From now on, I'll sometimes post in English. So I think it's necessary, once forever, for me to express my deep apologizes to audiences who are left discarded and regretful for not understanding what I say because of their poor English proficiency! :D